About HavanaSyndrome.net:

This site is new and I’m not able to devote much time on this. Therefore, the experience is poor at this point, but if you somehow found this site during construction, I hope you’ll take a look at what little is here. For the site, I plan share my own experiences and for others to share theirs as well. For now, if you click the “+” sign, you can share your experiences and help to add locations to the map (to eventually identify clusters). Much more to come.

Incident Map of Anomalous Health Incidents:

+Click/Tap Here to Add Event Location
made with OUM PRO

First Video Upload

Among other effects (e.g. internal heating of my head and brain fog), this sleep deprivation is an example of Havana Syndrome in the continental U.S.A. This is an excerpt from one of the time-scheduled nightly videos I’ve recorded most days since July 2023. The shaking is completely involuntary every night with no medical explanation. The movements have never made my muscles physically tired as they do if I spend my own energy to move myself.

Note, at one point my head was shook. This been months ago as I write this, but I want to point out one time when when the movement was voluntary. When my head was being shook, I began to shake my head too. When I contract my own muscles, the shaking is temporarily interrupted.

This happens on a nightly basis. Sometimes I’m allowed to eventually sleep. Sometimes not.

That’s all for now. If anyone is reading this is going to anything similar, stay strong.

Add a new location

Enter the approximate date of incident
Use this field to describe what you actually experienced with your five senses e.g. context, situation, symptoms, what you saw, what you heard, what you felt, sleep issues, mood impact, etc.
What have you discovered that helps to defend or mitigate the problem (from personal experience)
Use this field for your speculation about causes, why, technology used, etc. Also add how you know this and any sources you can share.